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Mill Hill Christmas Kits

Patterns and Kits - Cross Stitch KITS from various Designers - Christmas Cross Stitch Kits

Mill Hill Christmas Kits come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Celebrate the Christmas season with  a delightful kit from Mill Hill and Jim Shore design ranges.  Make a hanging decoration, seasonal ornament, framed picture or a fridge magnet to celebrate the festive season.

Mill Hill Christmas Kit designs are worked in counted cross stitch and often further embellished with counted beadwork and a glass treasure or a charm. Sometimes on perforated paper and sometimes on fabric, they make lovely items to keep or gift.

Typically the kits contain everything you need. That may be glass beads, treasures, magnets,  perforated paper or fabric, stranded embroidery threads, needles, charted design and full instructions.

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